I lost my mittens on Tuesday. I don't know how it happened. I'm pretty sure that I put them in my bag, but later at home I couldn't find them. I kinda miss them. My mom knitted them for me like years ago, and even though they weren't so pretty, I wore them every winter. And now they are gone. J.R. is already knitting me new mittens and they are going to look very sweet. So maybe losing my mittens wasn't so bad thing after all.
Our kitchen table is always messy.
I've been knitting quite actively too, except yesterday when I spent the evening reading Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. I just felt more like reading than knitting. Anyway. I knitted today at school (I kinda like knitting at school because it helps me through the most boring lectures) and finished my first sock. I'm pretty pleased with the result. I didn't mess up much, just something with the heel. I'll do better next time. And I found out that I can't read knitting patterns either: J.R. had to help me through all the confusing parts. I'm so happy that I have him.

What "elegant way" to photograph socks?
Our kitchen table is always messy.
I've been knitting quite actively too, except yesterday when I spent the evening reading Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. I just felt more like reading than knitting. Anyway. I knitted today at school (I kinda like knitting at school because it helps me through the most boring lectures) and finished my first sock. I'm pretty pleased with the result. I didn't mess up much, just something with the heel. I'll do better next time. And I found out that I can't read knitting patterns either: J.R. had to help me through all the confusing parts. I'm so happy that I have him.

What "elegant way" to photograph socks?
My mother enjoys knitting, a lot. Me on the other hand, no idea how to do that.
ReplyDeleteI think I still have an old wool hat that she did for me when I was a little kid.
I like the photo, straight to the point. This is mi foot and that is my sock. :)
I ended up here out of curiosity, beacuse of the "Opeth" tag in you favorite music.
Hope not to bother.
There is no elegant way to photograph socks! I have to say, your first sock looks LOADS more better than my first sock. I mean seriously better. And as for your boyfriend knitting you new mittens, that's soooo cool! You lucky girl.
ReplyDeleteNevermore: Yeah. I'm not exactly a photographer. I just want to show things :D I don't even use a real camera, just my crappy camera phone or webcam.
ReplyDeleteSunnie: So I might be a knitter after all :P I know I'm lucky, not only because J.R. is into knitting and crocheting, but because he is so talented at it too. He's not making me any crappy mittens but something really nice and pretty.
Heips. Osaatko sanoa, että miten saisin blogini valmiin otsikon pois, koska otsikko lukee bannerissani jo valmiiksi. Minulla on pohjana bloggerin perus pohja.
ReplyDeleteAnonyymi: No jos oot lisännyt sen gadgettien kautta (ei silleen et oot koodannu sen paikalleen), niin sieltä voi rustailla semmosen "otsikon sijaan" ni sitten sen pitäis lähtee pois :)
But they are nice pictures anyways.
ReplyDeleteFor example, the photo of the muffins, they look delicious.
You have a very cute name, what does Amoena means?
Nevermore: Amoena is Latin word pleasant or lovely. It's not my real name, though my real name also means something :P
ReplyDeleteOh, I see. I noticed that you are from finland, so I thought it might was a regular finnish name.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, great place Finland, I've never been there. But it's the source of almost all my favorite music. :)
Nevermore: Finland is a great place, yes indeed. And we sure know how to make good metal music (though all the other Finnish music simply sucks) :P
ReplyDeleteI recall you telling me that Amoena meant "beautiful"? Just one of several meanings?
ReplyDeleteElina: Jep. Just one of several meanings... charming, lovely, nice to watch...
ReplyDeleteFinland: The metal capital of the world!
ReplyDeleteOh, indeed it is.
If you ever see the guys from Kalmah. Tell them that I say hi. :P
Since you seem to know some Finnish metal, you have probably listened to Amorphis, Catamenia, Enochian Crescent, Ensiferum and Moonsorrow. They are not my favourites, but I've listened to them occasionally.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your first sock! It looks great! I really like your blog!