Thursday, May 07, 2009

Toy Story

Yesterday we finally bought some toys for the puppy. The Puppy Kong was easy to select, since I've heard so many good things about kong toys. It's a chew toy you can fill with different treats and it's supposed to entertain and activate the dog when you are not around. It says on the Kong Company website that the dog can play with the kong toys even when it's not supervised. I'm not sure if that applies to puppy kongs because they're made of softer rubber. Anyway. We also bought a rope toy for tug plays. Now we just need something that squeaks and we're happy.

The selection of the toys was very wide, but I thought that the most of the toys looked a bit too cheap. Especially the squeaky toys. I know that you're supposed to supervise the dog when it's playing with a toy, but I still would like to make sure that the toys are as durable and harmless as possible. Just in case.


  1. Obi on tykännyt eniten pehmoleluista millä on raajat. Sit leikittäjä pitää kiinni yhestä ja se kiskoo toisesta. Mut ei-koirille tarkotetut pehmolelut saattaa rikkoontua vaihtelevasti, et niitä vaan valvonnassa...

  2. Tosi hyvä vinkulelu on semmoinen röhkivä possu. Siitä riittää iloa niin koiralle kuin omistajillekin. :D Ne on todella kestäviäkin.

  3. Elina: Mutta sitten se varmaan oppisi syömään meidän amigurumitkin :(

    Daphnion: Noita porsaita on tullut kateltua, kun ne on jotenkin ollut niin sympaattisia. Ja se äänikin on siedettävämpi kuin normivinkuna. Noi possut on vaan vähän ehkä liian isokokoisia. Ja nyt kun on tämä sikainfluenssakin :P
