Saturday, May 16, 2009

Here's our puppy, Papu

We've brought the puppy to home now. She mostly sleeps. And eats and pees too. We named her Papu, which means "bean" in Finnish. She's actually named after my favorite food, chili con carne. I opened our fridge one day and noticed the half empty bean can. I thought it was a nice name and we never came up with other name suggestions. So Papu she is. Though I already have several pet names for her, like Papunaattori (Beanator), Papusoppa (Bean Soup), Papupata (Bean Stew, that also means talkative in Finnish) and Papana (that's like... rabbit stool in Finnish).

She's a miniature pinscher. We know that this breed is not exactly recommended for first timers, but it happened to be the breed that we wanted. Dogs live a long life and we didn't want to wait for ten and plus years to get the dog we want. We're both experienced with dogs, so we decided to take the "risk". I think it's going to be worth it.


  1. Very adorable! I love the name too! It's very cute. I have a maltese named Sushi.

  2. Hieno pentu :). Sopii kyllä teille hyvin.

  3. Very cute! I love the name!

  4. Welcome to the world of puppy parenting! She's a cutie! We've had dogs for the past 23 years and can't imagine NOT having one. Enjoy her. Just enjoy the "quiet" time now, because puppy adolescence will be here soon. :)
    p.s. wonderful name.
    p.s.s. we have a Finnish exchange student friend, but I forget her town. I'll have to check!
    Kris in New Hampshire, USA (knittykris on Ravelry and on Twitter)

  5. KrisW: My family have always had dogs too, so it was only natural that we eventually took one too. I didn't want to lead a dogless life anymore. Though I'm worried that I might do something awfully wrong because I have never raised a puppy before. And Papu already seems like a real challenge. Anyway. I think that only dogs make great pets. I've had cats, I've had fish, I've had rabbits and other rodents... but they're not the same :)

  6. Oooh so cute :).

  7. Very cute dog! Just don't leave your shoes out for Papu to chew on. Or the table legs, either. Or your photograph album. Rolls of toilet paper. I am sure you will be picking up after yourself now!

    We have had German Shepherds (Meg and Zelda) and a Dalmation (Dalai Mama) over the years and they each have had their own ways of expressing love.

  8. Tein sen rokkistara-meemin viimein. :) Et varmaan huomannutkaan.
