Monday, September 21, 2009

What's new in Amoena's exciting life? NOTHING!!

Every week I decide to blog more. And then I end up posting less. I should decide to blog nothing at all, and then I would probably post every day. I have all the time in my hands but yet nothing to blog. Nothing interesting, I mean. It sucks to have a such a normal life. I wonder how other, normal boring people deal with blogging. Is there some trick that I'm not yet aware of?

Anyway. We spent the last weekend in Viiala at my parent's place. Papu was super excited to meet her best friend, Minni the dachshund again. They play-fought through the whole weekend. Their fights can look quite rough sometimes, but they're both still in one piece. We have to watch them constantly while they play together, though.

We also let Papu to run free so she could sniff everything as much as she liked. And she liked to sniff a lot. And I think Papu looked gorgeous with the autumnal background. She's just so beautiful sometimes. I'm so happy that we have her and we can watch her everyday.

We also took Papu to a walk one warm day and borrowed my sister's dog retractable leash. There's not much traffic there so we wanted Papu to be able to explore things more freely. Here in the city we keep her on a short leash. There's too much people and cars here.

I sewed a Barbie doll dress while J.R. was picking mushrooms with my mom and aunt. I would like to sew Barbie clothes more often, but my niece doesn't really play with her Barbie dolls so she doesn't need so many clothes either. I'm not so happy with this particular dress, I've definitely made better ones. The fabric was very forgiving, though. I literally sewed it on the doll and it still turned out OK.

We also visited few flea markets and I found and bought a really cool board game, Bombay Bazar. It cost only 5€ so it was a real bargain. And we played it many, many times during the weekend. Even my aunt and mom liked to play it. It's a shame we don't play board games so often at home.

And that's pretty much it.


  1. Eikö sulla kohta lopu tila bloggerissa kun noi kuvat on niin isoja..? Papu on kyllä tosi esteettinen. Teiän piha näyttää ihanan isolta, onko se myös sitä? :D Niin ja ompelitko sä ompelukoneella, eli osaat sellastakin käyttää?? Mulla olis sellanen vanha mut en tiedä miten sitä käytetään. :I

  2. Elina: Oon mä välillä huolissani, mutta en mä varmaan vielä ole käyttänyt kun jotain 10%. Se olis vaan niin työlästä pienentää noita kuvia :D Ja joo. Meidän piha on tosi iso siellä Viialassa. Se on maatila, ne tuppaa yleensä olemaan aika tilavia =) Ja ompelin osittain ompelukoneelle, osaan siis semmosta vissiin käyttää, ja saumuria kanssa. Haluisin omankin joskus vielä, että vois kustomoida jotain vaatteita tms.
