Monday, August 10, 2009

Amoena @ Assembly 2009

Last Friday I got my laptop back from Sweden again. We had to send it back because some new problems occurred. Anyway. This time they didn't just replace some components. They made a recovery. Of course I had backups of all the truly important, irreplaceable files, but I lost my whole movie and music collection. I also have to reinstall all my programs again, which is probably the biggest nuisance ever. I just keep remembering new and new programs that I had and still need. It feels that I'm literally building my laptop again. But hey, at least it boots faster now!

On Saturday I visited Assembly with J.R. And I'm once again unable to describe what it is, so I quote their website:
Assembly is a four day computer festival, in which thousands of people and their computers spend the long weekend by meeting friends, playing games, surfing on the net, talking on IRC and enjoying the great productions from the demoscene. The idea is to be there with or without your computer and enjoy the great atmosphere of being with likeminded people.
Though for me it means spending several days by myself, because J.R. is one of the voluntary organizers. I'm glad that this year he didn't have to work during the event, just before and after it. I was able to spent time with J.R. like normally. Anyway. I'm quite envy of the nerds who are actually able to participate Assembly. It seems like fun. It really does.

Click to enlarge.

I don't think I'm too old. I think I just lack basically everything it requires: nerd reliability, nerd skills and, most especially, nerd friends. Wouldn't be much fun without them. I only dream about being a nerd, as sick as it may sound. But at least J.R. makes me feel special. I get a free entrance to almost every other nerd's wet dream. How cool is that?

Even Papu thought it was cool and tried to steal my ticket.

So we visited Assembly together. We saw a prize ceremony and it was nice. Though I would have wanted to hear the winning songs completely. It's easier with still graphics because they don't take time to show. Anyway. After that we watched short film compo, which was the reason why we got there in the first place. It's J.R's favorite and I can understand why; It doesn't take much background knowledge to understand. And most of the short films we saw were funny.

And I got a new Assembly T-shirt to sleep in! It's not black, because organizers are not worthy enough to get T-shirts in cool colors. They get only this weird dirty-looking wine red. I'm not complaining though. It will look black when it's dark.

Papu liked it so much that she got an urge to lick her personal parts.


  1. If I had a t-shirt that cool I'd be licking my balls too. Well, that, and if I were actually able to.

    Not that I'd really need a reason.

  2. What?? That's a NICE color, fandango! A cool shirt indeed. :) Do you have any other favourite colours than black btw?

    I had such a déjà-vu reading this. The picture is so similar but much better quality this time!

    I'm so envious of you that you get to go to these cool nerd events. I have the same lame dream to be a nerd. ;D

    I'm itching to correct all those grammar errors but I don't know if you'd REALLY be ok with that...

  3. Elina: I don't think that my posts need to be grammatically correct. English is not my native language, and I'm not going to be an English teacher either. I think that people just have to deal with that. I wouldn't write perfect Finnish either.

  4. Figured as much. So no favourite colours?

  5. Elina: Oh yes. I love mustard too.

  6. Really? I prefer ketchup myself.

  7. Sinne sekaan vaan :) Mäkin oon vasta assyilta löytäny osan 'assykavereistani', sieltä löytyy yllättävän paljon samanhenkisiä ihmisiä (ei pelkkiä perusnörttejä). Tosin ehkä wowitaustakin on asiaan vaikuttanut..

    Oon kyllä huomannut, että enää kun en erityisemmin pelaile, niin ei jaksa olla sitä täyttä neljää päivää siellä sitten niin millään :D ja mukavuudenhalukin on vähän tiellä, kun ei viittis siellä hikisten nörttien seassa nukkua kovalla patjalla tai katsomossa.

  8. Fee-: Tai aattele jos me oltais alettu blogikamuilemaan ikuisuus sitten, niin mehän oltais voitu vaikka pitää joku amigurumimiitti siellä :D
