Friday, September 21, 2007

I Quit

I quit my school on Wednesday. I made my decision quite ex tempore but it's not like I haven't thought about if for a long time. OK, I didn't officially quit. I'm on a break and it's possible to continue later. I'm not sure if I'm going to but it's good to have options.

Now if you know me you probably assume that now I'm just doing my nerd stuff at home 24/7. But to your surprise I already have a job. I work via Varamiespalvelu and I'm honestly amazed about how efficient they are. I got my interview at 9.00 and by 12.00 I was already working! And I have zero working experience. And even though it's for two weeks only they told me that I surely get more jobs. My current job is really nice and it's not even so far from my studies either. It's for Oriola and it has everything to do with all kinds of dental instruments. And all hot beverages are free of charge! Today I drank three cups of hot chocolate. I kind a hope that they could keep me longer.

I'm very glad that I decided to go on a break.

Monday, September 17, 2007


It's hard to be a nerd when your Internet connection is so NOT happening. Please Sonera! Fix this! It's been four days for God's sake. How many days you guys need? It's not like the Internet is broken. It's only the effing log-in. Couldn't you just remove the log-in until it works again? That would be nice.

Just make it work. Soon. Otherwise I hate you forever.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


This is a meme post so I write this one in Finnish. I was tagged by Minttu.

Tehtävänanto: Kerron mitä minulla on päälläni, kun saan tämän haasteen. Tämän jälkeen valitsen seuraavat viisi ihmistä, jotka haastan tekemään saman perästä. Heidän tulee myös kirjoittaa nämä säännöt merkintäänsä. Linkitän haastamani ihmiset tämän merkinnän loppuun ja käyn ilmoittamassa heidän kommenttilaatikkoihinsa haasteesta ja tästä merkinnästä.

Minulla on päällä suosikkifarkkuni. Kesällä siskoni alkoi himoitsemaan minulta 80-luvun Suomi-paitaa, josta hän tiesi etten koskaan käytä. Sanoin että suostun luopumaan siitä ainoastaan sillä ehdolla, että saisin jotain kivaa vaihdossa. Hän tarjosi minulle suoralahkeisia ja löysähköjä Onlyn farkkuja ja kaupat tuli. Näissä farkuissa on vielä bonuksena edessä muutamia reikäkulutuksia. Farkkujen kanssa minulla on ohut ruskea nahkainen vyö, joka on tätini vanha. Pukeudun mielelläni mustaan, joten yläosana minulla on H&M:stä vuosi pari sitten ostettu musta v-aukkoinen t-paita, jossa on hiukan rypytystä edessä ja hihoissa. Koruina kihlasormus ja kultainen sydänriipus, jonka olen saanut Aleksilta. Tylsää? I am.

Minä haastan seuraavat:

Decadence Style

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

New jacket

I received a comment on my last post. It was from fellow blogger Mementomori. I agree with you: it's always very nice to know if there are people out there who dig your blog and read it too. So your comment was indeed appreciated. I use Google Analytics to track down my visitors, but visitors who comment and come back later are much more valuable than those who just drop by once and never come back.

And now to the news: They are still using IE6 aka the worst browser ever in our school. Some old version of Firefox is also available (I'm using that) but I have noticed that they all use IE. It's horrible how people keep using it. Everything, I mean absolutely everything renders really badly in IE. People should stop using it for web designers sake. Immediately!

My aunt dropped by today. She was going to pick up some stuff. But she asked me if I needed any clothes or such and I said that I need a jacket. You know. Now when I have started to bike a lot I definitely need a water proof jacket that I can wear until it start to snow. So we went to Sello and spent there two hours. This is what I eventyally chose, in red though:

Klang jacket

Feminine DrymaxX jacket active outdoor pursuits.
• The materials are All Weather series DrymaxX fabrics that possess superb waterproofing and breathability.
• Active Dry mesh lining, which transfers moisture effectively and dries quickly.
• Most seams realised without outer stitching, making seams less susceptible to wear.
• Removable, highly protective hood with one-hand adjustment.
• Short zipped underarm ventilation openings enhance breathability.
• Adjustable collar, hem and cuffs.
• Two front pockets, inside mesh pocket and Napoleon pocket.
• Thin reflecting stripes on cuffs.

It was about 150 euros on sale. To me it was very expensive. I wouldn't have bought it myself so I'm VERY glad that my aunt did. She said it was my birthday present.