Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Amoena discovers Unfortunately.

Ever since I switched to Ubuntu I have also been a subscribed reader of UbuntuHQ. It's kind of a blog that collects Ubuntu related articles. Anyway. I don't normally read it so carefully, but this title totally got my attention:"Open source makes a healthy site for healthy eaters". And that's how I learned about

TDP helps people keep track of their eating habits by providing nutritional information on thousands of different kinds of food, and provides the calories per hour burned by doing various kinds of exercise. Registered users can create a profile that saves the information they have logged and creates formatted reports to track weight loss and gain or body measurements. (from, click the first link to read more)

Of course I registered instantly. And now I know that I shouldn't have. When I wrote here that I'm not a "skanky anorexic bitch" I was lying a little. I'm not skanky, and I'm not anorexic. But for the last two years I have been playing with food in a way that is not exactly healthy.

And I blame Aleksi for this. I was completely happy with my weight. OK, I probably wasn't but I never thought that I should actually loose some. Until one day after a nice salad Aleksi basically said that I have got fat and that I should eat more salads. And instead of smacking him I decided he was right and I should do something about it. And I didn't eat for months. And I lost eight kilograms. And I was underweight. And extremely miserable even though I loved when people started to notice my weight loss.

I have started to eat since, obviously, because I still exist. But I only got half of the lost weight back. Now that I have seen the dark side, I don't want to go back to the state I now call "chubby". So I struggle to keep my weight low enough. And it means that I still see food as an enemy, that I still skip meals, I still fast. But I'm not obsessed. It's not controlling my life. I think myself as an unhealthy eater, not sick in any way.

I registered to TDP so it could help me to eat more healthier. That it could help me to eat without feeling guilty. But it turned out to be the opposite. I have been registered only for like three days and I have already started to eat less and less. And I'm way too excited over the fact that I have lost weight because of it. I have even found myself thinking how low I could get my weight this way, simply by not eating so much. And even I know it's not OK.

I don't know what to do. I really like the idea of TDP and I don't feel like letting it go. I wonder if I could force myself to eat all the 1,576 calories a day... It sounds a lot even though with that calorie intake I should still be loosing two pounds per week (according to TDP). But I have cracked my metabolism and I know that with 1,576 calories my weight stays the same.


If you're planning to loose some weight, then try out It's free and very easy to use. But if you're like me, STAY AWAY FROM IT.


  1. O.o että aleksi kehtaskin sanoa noin. Painoa voi pyytää pudottamaan ainoastaan jos se oikeesti alkaa olee terveydelle vaarallista. Niinku 10kg ylipainoa vähintään. et sä mikään läski oo vanhoissa kuvissa, muistaakseni ainakaan. o.O

    Ja viel kaiken lisäks salaattia. Eihän nyt laihduttajan oo pakko mitää salaatteja syödä, ellei oikeesti tykkää niistä.

    Mä nääntyisin nälkään tolla 1500 risat kalorilla. Mut mä oon massiivisempi muutenki. :P Enkä mä oikeestaan halua enää olla niin laiha ku voisin olla. Outoa.

  2. Olin mä ehkä aavistuksen pulska joskus 17-19vee, mutta joo, en todellakaan mikään läski :D Joskus lapsena olin kyl selkeästi vähän muita pulskempi, tosin mun onneksi mä en ollut se luokan pulskin :P

    Yläasteella olin aikalailla saman painoinen kuin nyt. Mutta silloin vasta tuntuikin pulskalta, kun ne muut oli hirveitä tikkuja. Nyttemmin mitä oon galleriasta käynyt stalkkailemassa, niin varmaan jokainen silloinen tikku lihonut jotain 10kg. Muahaha.

    Mä olen ehkä nyt puoltoista vuotta elänyt about tolla 1500kcal päivä. Varsinkin silloin kun on ollut koulua/töitä. Viikonloppuisin sitten olen saattanut syödä tuplasti enemmän.

    Mut sä kyllä liikutkin enempi kun minä. Kun mihin mä energiaa tarviin kun mä vaan dataan. Ei hirveästi kuluta, niin ei hirveästi tarvi syödäkään.

    Valiolla on muuten sellaisia mehukeittoja, joissa on 8kcal/100g. Saa muuten lipittää aika hyvällä omalla tunnolla :D

  3. Tykkäilen muuten kun sä jätät aina kommentit vähän eri nimellä. Tuntuu et useampikin kommentois :DD

  4. Joo, noi hullun eri versiot haamuilee ties millä foorumeillaki. :p

    Ne keitot on kyl tosi hyviä. Varsinki puuron kans. Pitäis ehkä alkaa taas käyttää niitä, sen sijaa et pistää kaks lusikallista hilloo aamupuuroon...

    Ois kyl kiva tietää onko munki luokkakaverit lihonu. :P Harmi etten tiiä onko ne mitää irkkigalleria-nolifettäjiä. Toivottavasti. :P

    Liikkuminen muuten kannattaa just senki takia ku sit voi syödä enemmän :D En mä nyt mitää epäterveellisiä syö sen edestä, ainakaa tarkotuksella, mut ainakaa ei tartte tavallisesta ruuasta laskea joka kaloria..

  5. Hi, Just thought you'd like take a look at Another great site for tracking calories, exercises, and blogs.
