Thursday, June 28, 2007

My Dreams Part Two

I'm not seriously turning this to a dream diary. It just happens. Anyway. I saw a dream in which I found a new room. (Well, it wasn't technically new because it was just forgotten.) So, of course, I checked my favourite online dream dictionaries for a prediction. And here is what they say about founding a new room:
To dream that you find or discover new rooms, suggests that you are developing new strengths and taking on new roles. You may be growing emotionally.
I can deal with that.

My Dreams

I'm a bit sad that I have friends that are not interested in my blog. They just don't read this even though they know this exist. Or if they do, they hide it really well. I'm also sad that my friends are not into blogging. If any of my friends starts a blog I would be reading it daily. And I would be probably linking to it all the time. I'd like bomb them with comments to show that I'm listening. And we could form like a small society where everyone reads each others blogs. That's what I'm dreaming about.

PS: Hey my so-called friends, you can drop a comment every now and then. You don't even have to register.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Ugly Betty

I just finished watching the first season of Ugly Betty. And I have to say that it got me totally hooked. The season finale was so exciting and now I just can't wait for the season two. The beginning of this series was a bit disappointing but when the plot progressed it turned out very good. I just fell in love with the characters. Especially with the two leading gay characters, Marc and Justin. And I love how Marc and Amanda pretend that they don't like Betty when it is really obvious that they really do.

Here is a video of the most touching Ugly Betty moment. Betty has unsuccessfully pretented to be Marcs girlfriend because his mother doesn't know he's gay. And in this video he comes out to his mother. It's quite heartbreaking.

If you don't watch Ugly Betty (it's on a break in Finland) you should reconsider watching it. I promise you won't get disappointed. Episode 18 is just hilarious and you don't want to miss it. And if you think that the plot is boring, I assure you that it's not. There will be a lot of going when this aired again.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tytöt tykkää

Today Hannes said that he thinks I look a bit like Lindsay Lohan. Which was a nice compliment I have heard before. But it's not true. I have come to realize that lying is what the compliments are about. You tell a nicely wrapped lie to make somebody happy. And that's why I'm not good at giving or receiving compliments. I hate lying. So if I compliment you, you better know it is for real.

I also watched Tytöt tykkää music video for a couple of times. I was trying to find out why Teas precence is so repulsive to me. Something in her just didn't felt right. I soon realized that is it her fake appearance is what bothers me so much. She sings "mä näytän hyvältä ja tiedän etsä tiedät sen" (I look good and I know you know it too) and tries to act like she's hot. But she's not. She is like any other regular girl but they have applied this weird mask on her: the blondest hair, revealing clothes, tan, "sexy" moves... And it is not working for her at all. Anyway. The song sucks.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Under an adult supervision

I started to write this update earlier today but I decided to start over. I needed some prioritization.

I spent my last weekend in Viiala with Aleksi. My aunt and my uncle were there too so we had to sleep in the smallest cabin ever. And there was only one single bed! And it was cold at nights! So sleeping wasn't the most comfortable thing to do. And there was a tiny wasp nest right outside the door. I removed it gently and there was like one wasp inside. I still felt like a hero though.

One day we took a nice biking trip. It's been a long time since I biked so it was quite a big deal for me to bike for 20 kilometres. We had no destination. We just biked until we got tired and then we biked back. It was so much fun. We also played a lot of croquet which is one of my favourite outdoor games ever. I made a really difficult game field and I won! We also grilled some sausages. Love that shit.

On Sunday we went to a party because my second cousin got confirmed. It was quite boring to be in a party where most of the people are totally unfamiliar to you. But there was a killer cake. Seriously, it was like the best damn cake ever. They also served a nice selection of fizzy drinks. I was afraid that they only have like some lame tea or some bad tasting homemade red juice. That would have been a total turn off for me.

I got new jeans without shopping. I feel like a genius. I got this like 80's long-sleeved shirt with "Suomi" print. It was actually quite cool but I just didn't wore it anymore. And my sister wanted it badly. I said to her that I don't give or sell it to her, but I can trade it. So my sister gave me nice pair of jeans and I gave her the shirt.

So OK. Let's move on. I'm officially fat. I weight a lot more that I ever thought I could let myself weight again. I don't know how to deal with this. I'm so disgusted by my naked self. And Aleksi is not making this easy since he said that he likes me better when I'm a bit chunky. I don't know what my diet plan is. I just need to get this extra weight away off me.

Today I watched a movie with Hannes. And after the movie we played the very original Super Mario Bros 3. He received more phone calls during this one evening than I do in a month. Am I like so unpopular? Or is it just the fact that he's like 18 and some people go crazy whenever 18-years-old is just hanging out? Inside? Under an adult supervision? Near home?!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Seiskahaaste Kikilta

I'll write this post in Finnish if you don't mind. This is a quite popular meme in Finnish fashion blogosphare. I was challenged by Kiki. Here is my answer:

Eli pelin säännöt: Jokainen aloittaa kertomalla 7 satunnaista faktaa/tapaa itsestään. Ihmiset jotka pääsevät tähän peliin mukaan kirjoittavat nämä 7 asiaa itsestään sekä pelin säännöt omaan blogiinsa. Sitten heidän tulee haastaa 7 muuta ihmistä tähän peliin ja ilmoittaa näiden ihmisten nimet omassa blogissaan. Heidän tulee myös jättää kommentti asiasta ko. henkilöiden blogeihin, jotta nämä tietävät ottaa osaa peliin ja että he löytävät ohjeet omasta blogistasi.

1. Rakastan elokuvien katselemista. En tiedä mitään parempaa tekemistä. Avomieheni ja minä katselemme yleensä kolmesta neljään elokuvaa viikonloppuisin, ja joskus silloin tällöin viikolla vielä lisää. Käymme aika harvoin leffateatterissa katsomassa mitään, sillä nörtteinä "vuokraamme" kaikki leffat DC++:sta...

2. Luen addiktoituneesti muotiblogeja ja muotilehtiä ja katselen muotiin liittyviä ohjelmia, mutta kuitenkin inhoan shoppailua täydestä sydämestäni enkä sen vuoksi omista mitään kivoja muodinmukaisia vaatteita. Minulla on myös selkeä ongelma rahan käyttämisen kanssa - en osaa käyttää rahaa muuta kuin sellaisiin asioihin joihin on aivan pakko. Toisin sanoen olen siis äärimmäisen pihi.

3. Äiti leikkaa ja värjää hiukseni. Oikea parturi on kajonnut hiuksiini elämäni aikana maksimissaan viisi kertaa. Hiustyylini on pitkä ja suora, joten mielestäni ei ole mitään järkeä maksaa suuria summia pelkästä latvojen tasaamisesta kun äiti tekee sen kerta ilmaiseksi ja aivan yhtä hyvin. Värjäystuloksetkin ovat aina olleet toiveenmukaiset.

4. Minulla on kahdet silmälasit, joita käytän. Ensimmäiset ovat siistit ja aikuismaiset ja käytän niitä aina julkisesti. Mutta sen lisäksi minulla on yhdet paljon vanhemmat ja rumemmat lasit, joita käytän kotona aamuisin ja iltaisin ja yleensä myös lukiessani tai tietokoneella, jolloin ei tarvitsekaan nähdä kauas. En näe niillä oikeasti kunnolla, mutta tarpeeksi hyvin jotta voin pitää niitä. Niiden linssit ovat myös kuluneet niin että ne näyttävät aina likaisilta.

5. Kännykkäni nimilistassa ainoastaan muutamat ihmiset koulusta ovat oikealla nimellään. Kaikille muille olen keksinyt jonkin lempinimen tai kuvaavan sanan. Minulla ei ole koskaan ollut vaikeuksia muistaa niitä. Tykkään myös pitää nimilistani mahdollisimman kompaktina, joten turhia numeroita sieltä ei löydy. Kännyköihin liittyen vielä, että inhoan soittaa puheluita. Pelkään aina että keskeytän jotain tärkeää. Kommunikoinkin oikeastaan pelkästään tekstiviestien välityksellä.

6. En osaa enkä halua laittaa ruokaa. Kokkailemisen tässä talossa hoitaa avomieheni. Valitettavasti hänkään ei osaa tehdä oikeastaan muuta ruokaa kuin tavallista parempaa spagettikastiketta. Syömme sitä siis usein. Ruokavalioomme kuuluu kiinteästi myös X-tra pyttipannu ja mama-nuudelit Rainbowin Mexicana-tonnikalan kera.

7. En käytä muita sormuksia kuin kihlasormustani ja kaulassani roikkuu aina avomieheltä syntymäpäivälahjaksi saamani sydänriipus. Mutta korviksia vaihtelen usein. Tykkään eniten riippuvista ja mieluiten melko näyttävistä. Kaikki suosikkikorvikseni olen tainnut saada äidiltäni, jolla itsellään on myös aikamoinen korukokoelma.

En haasta ketään, sillä olen jo pudonnut täysin kärryiltä että kuka tämän on tehnyt ja kuka ei. Mutta mikäli et ole tehnyt tätä ja haluaisit, voit ilmiantaa itsesi niin minä haastan sinut.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I'm back home. I spent my last week in Viiala. I didn't do anything special there. Most of the time I read books and when I wasn't reading I was shopping with my mum. And by shopping I mean that we visited several flea markets. It was quite unusual but I didn't find anything nice to buy. On one day we played croquet twice and I won both games. Awesome. I missed watching good movies.

Yesterday Aleksi surprised me with Evanescence concert. It was the first official rock concert I have ever attended. Amy Lee sang extremely well and the guys played very well too. I never thought they could rock so much on live. It's been years since I was an Evanescence fan but the concert was still very enjoyable since they played a lot of stuff from the first record too. And that was the one I used to listen to a lot. I though that My Immortal would have been he last song. I mean, can you imagine better ending than that song? But they still played one song after that.

Monday, June 11, 2007


I'm going to Viiala today. I don't know what I'm supposed to do there but I'm going anyway. I don't have so much to do here either. At least I got my own TV there nowadays so I can watch Sex and the City without my parents.

I had a really nice weekend. We watched three movies. Alpha Dog was one of the movies we watched and I don't know what to think about it. Basically it was a bit boring and there was not much going on the film anyway. I hoped that they would have left that kid alone but I knew it wasn't going to happen since it was based on a true story and those never end well. I just need to have a happy ending or otherwise I feel that I have been fooled. Watching movies should be fun.

We usually sleep the window open, but lately there has been some bugs that that eat us (or at least me) during the night. Today I woke up with three new bites and they itch. It's so not nice.

On Saturday we went to a picnic. Our destination was a nice Aurora park. It is really peaceful and beautiful. We have been there several times already and it is definitely one of my favourite parks. The sun was shining so now I got a mild tan on my legs. We played cards and just hang out. It was nice. I forgot to put the sun lotion to my neck so it burned a little.

OK. I better get packing.

Friday, June 08, 2007


I have had dreams about floods recently. In first dream I was trying to find a way home but the water kept rising and I got trapped. There were bridges everywhere but most of them were broken or under water. I couldn't escape. I can't remember the second dream, but I remember that there was a big flood and once again I got trapped. The setting was very different, but I was still very scared. Anyway. Those were all nightmares to me.

I believe that dreams are trying to tell something to us. Not all of them, but some of them. And I always try to find out which ones are hidden messages from the subconscious. I own a book about dreams. It's quite short but it still contains all the main symbols. My mother once got me a long one from flea market but I didn't take it. It was written by some kind of psychics and it was all bullshit. "If you see a white horse in your dream your husband will die" and so on. I prefer Freudian theories.

So anyway. I checked some of my favourite dream sites for interpretation. And here is what they say about my flood dreams:

Flood: To see a raging flood with its muddy debris, signifies that you will have much unsettling occurrences and tribulations in life. Your repressed emotions may be overwhelming you.

Water: To see muddy or dirty water in your dream, indicates that you are wallowing in your negative emotions. You may need to devote some time to clarify your mind and find internal peace. Alternatively, it suggests that your thinking/judgment is unclear and clouded. If you are immersed in muddy water, then it indicates that you are in over your head in a situation and are overwhelmed by your emotions.

Could be true.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


I'm loosing my mind. Don't give a damn though.

Julia asked me to go to the Linnanmäki amusement park with her. I refused to go because I cannot remember when was the last time I truly enjoyed that kind of amusement. But I appreciated the invitation of course.

A little while ago I received a comment from Kerttu. She said that she reads my blog. So I guess this blog is not as bad as I use to think. I got all these catchy lines and everything now when I think about it. It's kind of cool to know that there are at least three human beings who find my blog amusing! But don't get me wrong: mainly this blog is about self-pity and boredom.

I saw Music and Lyrics couple movies ago. I know it is a bit weird to say "couple movies ago" but I don't know any other way to express this. I watch a lot of movies and I don't even remember all of them. It was recently but I have seen like dozen of movies after that. So anyway. I really liked it. I like movies that make me smile widely. And I definitely love the theme song:

I like the demo version better. I think that Drews voice is better than Haley Bennetts. More likeable.

Monday, June 04, 2007


I had a very positive moment. It went away.

I always think that other people have like really high standards and then I'm very surprised when I realize that they are like dating someone really fugly for example.

I have a very high expectations what comes to myself. I expect myself to have a body of a 16 years old BOY even though I do nothing about it. It's quite hilarious how I cannot accept the fact that I have like hips. You know, hips that can give a birth to a small cow or something. I have to come to realize that normal girls actually have curves and there is nothing I can do about it. I can't really change my bone structure, can I. So why try? I fluctuate, OK?

There is this other thing I hope to change too even though I know it is impossible. I have oily/combination skin. I will always have it. First of all I should be lucky to even have skin. I should not fight against but to be happy for what I got. I got a skin that does not age so quickly. Let's remember the fact that I don't smoke, use alcohol or sun bathe. And the fact that I keep extra good care of my skin since it is a bit breakout-y. Eventually I will look more radiant and more younger than most of the people in my age. I will have less wrinkles! Hooray!

I so have to grow up.

I know that Julia probably loves my opening line.

Saturday, June 02, 2007


I'm having hordeolum once again. No, it's not a nasty STD but quite harmless (yet painful) eye infection. It goes away itself in a time.

Yesterday I played "Secret Files: Tunguska" all day. It's a problem solving game so I'm not good at it. That's why I took my lap top next to me. I played the game on my normal PC and I read the walktrough guide from the lap top. So technically I just followed the guide step by step and not solve any of the problems by myself. But I still call that playing. It's not my fault that the game is too difficult for me.